Signal demodulation
In practice the signal deduced in the previous section is not visualised as it is, but instead the NMR or MRI instrument eliminates the frequency offset $\omega_0$ by demodulating the signal. It is done by multiplying the signal with harmonics of frequency that is close to the Larmor frequency
. That is,
. In this way a complex signal is created: the real part will be when the sign is multiplied with
, and the imaginary part arises as the multiplication of the signal and
The real part of the demodulated signal (often called as the "real channel") will be:
\mathrm{sin} \big ( \omega_0 t + \theta_B - \phi_0 \big ) \mathrm{sin} \Big ( ( \omega_0 + \delta \omega ) t \Big ) = \frac{1}{2} \bigg [ \mathrm{cos} \big ( \delta \omega t - \theta_B + \phi_0 \big ) - \mathrm{cos} \Big ( ( 2 \omega_0 + \delta \omega ) t + \theta_b - \phi_0 \Big ) \bigg ]](lib/equation/pictures/f8948f38a278a93444dd56d8fb0dc99f.png)
After the multiplication the part with frequency is removed with a lowpass filter, and the remaining low-frequency term forms the real channel of the signal.

The imaginary channel is quite similar. After the multiplication with and the lowpass filtering:

So the detected signal managed as complex is: